View Full Version : Videoplaza ads vim to online video ads

14-12-2011, 15:00
*Videoplaza ads vim to online video ads* _ Editor ©RapidTVNews | 14-12-2011 _ Sell side ad management platform Videoplaza has enhanced its two new interactive advertising formats in a bid to bring flexibility and differentiation to the growing online video arena. Aiming to address what it believes is a growing demand, the Videoplaza Format Family products are claimed to go beyond standard pre-roll and overlay offerings and take on board interactive formats that are being increasingly adopted by publishers as they need to differentiate in an ever more developed and competitive market. Interactive formats are designed to offer significantly higher engagement levels than traditional pre-roll click-through rates, signifying a shift in the way customers engage with video advertising in the new IP video world. To further boost engagement, Videoplaza has also established a strategic partnership with ad format specialist Innovid, to bring a new layer of interactive ad formats to its Partner Format offering. Innovid