View Full Version : Pick of the Day: Castle

22-09-2010, 13:47
Alibi, 9pm: The detective comedy-drama returns for its second season on Alibi.

Nathan Fillion stars as Richard Castle, a murder-mystery novelist who tags along with the NYPD to research his books; his police "babysitter" is Stana Katic's Detective Kate Beckett. Ostensibly he's shadowing her because the lead in his new series of novels is based on her - but it's pretty obvious that he's smitten.

Season one ended with Beckett giving Castle the cold shoulder after he investigated her mother's murder against her wishes. As the new season kicks off, Castle's back with New York's finest - though he's only there to promote his latest book starring Beckett's alter ego Nikki Heat.

He's soon back on the case, though, when a man's strangled body is found in a tree - and the investigation takes a turn for the bizarre when the corpse is stolen from an ambulance by gun-wielding thugs. What would a drug gang want with the body of an outwardly-respectable citizen?

Before long, Castle and Beckett are drawn into an investigation involving drug mules, illegal gambling dens and Russian mobsters.

The plot's not particularly gripping - and it's resolved when Castle just happens to sit down at the right table of angry-looking Russian poker players - but Castle's strength lies in its characters, and in the on-screen chemistry between Katic and Fillion.

The showrunners are clearly playing to the series' strengths, too; rather than stringing out Beckett's antipathy towards Castle for several episodes, it's resolved by the end of the season opener. While it means that the show can quickly get back to doing its procedural episode-of-the-week schtick, it does close off a potentially interesting storyline rather too quickly.

More... (http://wotsat.techradar.com/tvplus/pick-day-castle-16-08-10)