I've seen some long winded guides for installing Enigma2 on flash which make it more complicated than it needs to be. I do it in the following way, which I find much more simple.

This guide is specific to the IPBox 9000 HD (and its equivalents). I don't own any of the other variants so cant test, but the process should be the same with possibly different paths.

You'll need to set your box up so that you can choose to boot from either flash, USB Drive, HDD .......
To do that install Multiboot (Attached below). Its a normal USB upgrade, see your manual for instructions on how to install USB upgrades.

I had problems installing it via a USB pen drive, installing via Flash Tools worked.

Once multiboot has been installed installed you can continue to install Enigma2 on USB Drive. I'll be assuming that you have a DG Station based image in flash.

Download the Enigma2 image you want to install. It should be called something along the lines of imagename-version.tar.gz.

Boot to your DGS based image and start a telnet session with it.

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1: Insert your USB drive and format it as follows in your telnet session. Execute the commands one at a time.
umount /dev/sdb1
mkfs.ext2 /dev/sdb1
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb/usb0
2: Use your favourite FTP program to tansfer the downloaded image file to your usb drive, which should be mounted at /mnt/usb/usb0 at this stage.

3: Extract the image to the pen drive.....
cd /mnt/usb/usb0
tar xzvf imagename-version.tar.gz
When this completes, you should be able to reboot and boot into Enigma2 by pressing and holding the corresponding button on your remote while the LCD display reads 'Booting'. (In my case with a HDD fitted, this would be number 2).

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It will take quite a while for Enigma to boot on the first fun, so don't pull the plug too soon.

If you have a PC running Linux, the above process can be carried out on the PC. Its much quicker this way because extraction on the AB IPbox takes quite a while.
Multiboot startup options......
if you want multiboot function, download attached usb_config.img.
Then press number button which you want on RCU when start up from shutdown.
Multiboot function supports as below style.

# 1 boot with CDKroot(NFS)
# 2 boot from USB memory stick, with internal HDD
# 3 original images as current flash memory
# 4 boot with NFS
# 5 boot from USB memory stick, but without internal HDD
# 6 boot from internal SATA HDD
# 7 boot from flash memory for another image

Default value : no.3